Oct 30, 2008

divided we vote

has anyone else noticed how divisive this latest election is? it isn't new but i've definitely noticed a large polarization in our nation in the last 2 elections and this one is taking the cake.

whether it's calling obama a socialist or mccain a war monger... the election process is getting very personal not just for the candidates but for the voters as well. i've heard comments and seen looks of pity or anger between friends and family that make me sick. at what point is it okay to insult someone simply based on their political views?

from bush's statement that you're either with us or against us to the comments that a vote against universal healthcare is an uncaring selfish vote there is a lot of divisive language and tactics being used by both parties.

this is not to say there are not important issues at stake or that i'm sad to see so many people so passionate about politics and their country. but let's stop making it personal and passively aggressively tearing each other down.

if i had a nickel for every time i've had a friend or family member refer to my voting choice as a stupid uninformed vote or give me "pity" for feeling the way i do... i'd be a rich man.

somewhere we've forgotten that we're all americans using our equal right to vote freely and express our political views. but in expressing our views... let's stop short of taking cheap shots and offending each other.


umarth said...

I'm personally pulling for less hugs and more fighting for what a person believes in. If I'm willing to hurt someone's feelings it is because what I'm talking about isn't a belief, it is something I've educated myself about and have rationalized as being the best thing for the region/state/country. I can promise you I'm not voting for Obama or McCain because I think both of them are not on track for what America needs.

Patrick Lair said...

Hooray!! The two-year campaign for the White House is almost over! We can get back to our regular lives, and whichever poor sucker wins can look forward to a miserable drubbing from all sides once the six-month honeymoon ends.

What I find funny is this irrational belief by so many that the president is omnipotent and whoever wins will be Master of the Universe.

Whoever becomes president will have their hands tied in many ways by the reality on the ground.

They just get certain perks, like making funny Christmas videos about the family dog in the White House and flying around in helicopters with cool guys who salute you.