Oct 2, 2008

something new something blu

if there's one thing that bugs me... it's lame or untimely marketing pushes. the latest couple i'm not a fan of are the hi-def and blu-ray tag team attack. this is more of a warning to people shopping around than anything else.

many people... including myself... have been jumping onto the h-d band wagon, especially in regards to televisions. in fact you'd be hard pressed to find a non-h-d television at most stores anymore. the problem of course with newer technology is making your whole media system compatible. this is a piece often left untouched when marketing h-d. if you buy an h-d tv you need to pay extra on your cable to get all your channels in hi-def and to view movies properly you have to have h-d dvds as well as a player that reads h-d dvds. so much like every other shift in technology... it doesn't just effect one aspect.

now for blu-ray... the pitch that can't and won't go away from commercials or cardboard stands at the local movie rental stores. do we really need to experience our movies that much more and are they really worth it? in addition to all that... just like with h-d... you need a blu-ray player to play the movies.

this is nothing new and ultimately it just boils down to how much you're willing to spend to re-outfit your whole system. i'm just annoyed when the tech world flips everything with the promise of a better picture and better experience... but i just don't see the bang for the buck.


D.J. Skull-Fog said...

More like "blu-gay".

Reed said...

Agreed. Reel-to-reel film is still good enough for me

Patrick Lair said...

I agree with you here. But without these periodic "upgrades" in technology, we'd all just cling to our VCR's until we died and the economy would slump.
It's like when Pizza Hut comes out with some new cheesier, gooier gutbuster every year, with a catchy name like "The Pepperoni Helicopter Crash," and we're all supposed to hurry off to try it. But actually, it's just the same old pizza repackaged again.
On a side note, I saw your previous reference to your dad as grandfather. Did I miss something?