Jan 8, 2009

love resides in the kidney

i saw this story and had to share.
apparently some guy in long island, ny is demanding his wife (whom he is divorcing) give back the kidney he donated to her or pay him for it - $1.5 million to be exact.
there are messy divorces... and then there are surgically gross and greedy divorces.
i've always been curious why people think love comes from the heart when it's just an organ that pumps blood through your body. so maybe love comes from the kidney?
i don't know about that... but i do know kidney beans are good for your heart. so perhaps this dr. batista guy is onto something. i'm selling my kidney. seriously, who needs a kidney anyway compared to $1.5 million in cold hard cash? what's the worst thing that could happen? i'll just use the money to buy gatorade stock and regulate my electrolytes that way. problem solved.


Reed said...

go for it, dude

jeremy said...

I'll make the first bid at $20.

umarth said...

This is why some men think vaginas have teeth (Vagina Dentata) and why some women think guys are pigs.

In any case, I hope you can land more than Jeremy's 20. I'm in for 25.