Nov 17, 2009


so i'm downloading video/audio compression and conversion softwares at work to deal with the many random file formats i work with everyday and this is in one of the software's terms and conditions clause.

"5. You may not use this software in any circumstance where there is any risk that failure of this software might result in a physical injury or loss of life..."

Nov 12, 2009


i was told today that i look like the lead sing from the band maroon 5 - adam levine.

i'm not sure about that but i thought i'd use this web gizmo to show a comparison of me and mr. levine as well as a couple other random celebrities i've been told i look like.

first a photo that best captures "me"

then adam levine

john cusack

rowan atkinson (better known as mr. bean)

Nov 11, 2009

coming out of my shell

i haven't been blogging lately and i'm sure my reader(s) realize it's due to the new baby.

i'd blog about the great things i've discovered about fatherhood and how wonderful it is to see new life that is half you and half your spouse... but i've been away too long to blog something serious.

so in true form and to share something that brings it back to the title of this entry, here you go.

in all it's glory - turtles with a half chub... turtle power!

and there's more...

Jul 15, 2009


i think i'm in love with the newish google chrome web browser. it's really just a new twist on what already existed, but the top search/url bar is nice and i love the tab use where it shows your most visited sites as thumbnails.

i will admit, i am a bit biased since i have long been professing my love for google and its many products... many of which i use, such as gmail, picasa, documents, and this blog.

i recommend people at least try it out for themselves and see how it looks.

on a side note... i recently went rock surfing/fell on my butt off some loose rocks near mt.
bachelor. the result was a deep gash in my knee that allowed me to see more of my actual kneecap than i ever wanted to and a sunset photo.

was it worth the tumble?

... curiousity may have killed the cat... but all i got was a bloody knee and a bruised ego.

Jun 21, 2009

the eug

after a stint of not visiting eugene... i am back for a weekend wedding for my cousin. in my return i noticed some things i'd forgotten. things i glossed over in my rosy memory of eugene but now remember. like when you break up with someone for very good reasons but a week later you miss them and only think of the good times.

it's like that with moving to salem. there are much fewer places to hang out... almost zero nightlife... a 10th of the running/biking trails... and hardly any local restaurants that aren't just fast food chains - so of course i miss eugene and want to come running back into its open arms of live concerts... unique cuisine... great night clubs... and outdoor escapes.

but the illusion has begun to wear off.

this trip... i was reminding of the absolutely terrible radio stations (nickleback... really?)... the counter culture that's so prevelant that it's really just culture... the ongoing competition for most hip hipster... and the ever-present passionate person with the clipboard for me to sign on.

this is by no means to say i don't still love the eug... because i always will. i just finally see more clearly some of its flaws and that salem isn't so bad either - they are afterall just places and it should be the people i surround myself that make where i live home.

Jun 1, 2009

planes are dumb

i recently headed to virginia for a military class and noticed some dumb things about plane trips. i've noticed them before... but this latest trip brought them more to the forefront.

1-why do most airlines load from the front to the rear? then when you're in aisle 400 you have to squeeze past everyone who's still loading their 80 pound "carry on" into the overhead compartment. Loading from the rear to the front would work much more efficiently and would maybe help more flights make their takeoff times. i think for fairness, in the case of an accident we should exit in the same order. sorry first class... us nose-bleeds get to exit first.

2-will using a cellphone during takeoff or flight actually do anything harmful to the plane or ground control? according to the FCC and FAA, there isn't any sufficient evidence showing the use WON'T effect ground communication or the plane's instruments so it has kept the ban. i'd try it out you know turn my phone on and order a pizza or something just to see, but who really wants to challenge that. it's not like pop rocks and soda where you're the only one to lose, but in a plane... if that actually effects it... everyone potentially loses.

May 8, 2009

new found beats

i'd heard of rjd2 before... but never really heard rjd2.  andrea and i have been watching the show 'mad men' off amc and the title theme is by rjd2 and it pretty much makes the show.  here's some clips of his music and some cool videos.


Apr 14, 2009

top 10

i heard about some facebook thing where you list the top ten music albums that shaped your life/listening choices. i thought it sounded pretty cool, but since i don't like posting notes on facebook, i'm writing them here. something to keep in mind is that i didn't buy a cd until i was about 17, so there isn't a whole lot representing my earlier years.

enjoy and feel free to make fun of me or agree that some of these would maybe be on your list too.

in autobiographical order-of course:

1-wayne's world soundtrack
first cd i ever owned. it began my taste of "modern" music. plus it gave me a taste of several generations of music from jimi hendrix to cinderella... great stuff for a sampler.

2-collective soul (blue album)
first cd i bought and listened to over and over again. i made a tape of it since my car didn't have a cd player. this influence was direct from erick banks. i ended up buying almost every album by this band. the world i know is one of the best music videos ever.

3-nirvana (nevermind)
i'd heard nirvana before but hadn't known what to think at first listen. after a second listen or two i was sold and this began my grunge/alternative music phase, of which i still am a part of.

4-everclear (sparkle and fade)
this is another cd that rocked my world. while most of the guitar licks are very similar or basically the same but in a different key, i still to this day love this album. every time i listen to santa monica i think of cruising around in my 1980 subaru hatchback. and when i listen to you make me feel like a whore, i chuckle at the thought of the video we were going to make senior year highlighting various girls in our school.

5-weezer (blue album)
great album even though i discovered it only once pinkerton came out. i was pretty much behind the power curve here, but this album and the buddy holly music video are both fantastic not to mention it's one of those albums you can listen to front to back loving it the whole time.

6-soundgarden (superunkown)
while i discovered this later, it is still one of my favorite albums of all time. i started listening to this and down on the upside my senior year. a bunch of us went to the concert at the salem armory in 1996 or so with the announcement coming that next spring (1997) that they were disbanding. it was a sad day.

7-led zeppelin (physical graffiti)
kashmir began my love affair with this english band, which has since become my favorite band of all time. i have yet to find a zeppelin song i don't like... short of the overplayed stairway to heaven... still good just overplayed. every album is like an orchestrated score that i just love.

8-radiohead (the bends)
i got to know of radiohead first through their song creep off pablo honey, but the bends was the first album i got to know how much staying power radiohead would have and how much i would grow to love them. minus thom yorke's weirdness and how he looks like clay aiken's 'special' brother, radiohead is pure genius. while the bends at first seemed like a downer cd i still love popping in this cd rain or shine.

9-wilco (yankee hotel foxtrot)
this was the album that go me listening to what's referred to as indie music. it lead to so many other band discoveries that have since shaped my musical taste. great album.

10-derby (this is the new you)
they're local and even though i'm biased because i went to high school with some of the band members, this cd is my latest love and i have to say it's the album andrea and i listened to quite a bit while we dated and eventually fell in love to. pretty much a lot of bias going on here but who cares it's my list.

runner ups or cds i thought about putting up there but decided against it for one reason or another (not in any particular order):

no doubt (tragic kingdom)
foo fighters (the color and the shape)
beck (odelay)
dandy warhols (13 tales from urban bohemia)
snow patrol (final straw)
the cars (the cars greatest hits)
aerosmith (greatest hits)
stone temple pilots (purple)
pearl jam (ten)
beatles (sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band)
death cab for cutie (plans)
cake (fashion nugget)

Apr 12, 2009


here it is another Easter and i find myself thinking about all the other Easters that have come and gone. as i think about them, i have to categorize my top 3.

autobiographical of course...

1-my 21st birthday fell on Easter sunday in 2000.
while i wasn't a Christian at the time... i still didn't feel it was a good idea to get blasted on Easter sunday. plus, where do you go on a sunday in salem after 6pm for something like that. come to think of it, make that any night of the week. i should also mention i shipped off to army basic training the next day.

2-spain with paul in good old 2006.
we had communion on the roof top of our villa/hostel within eyesight of morocco in the small town of tarifa. after reading from the book of John and doing our Easter "service" abroad, we finished our bottle of communion wine and went to the market for two more bottle of communion wine. we then walked/stumbled about the small town discussing where we wanted to be and do with our lives only to collapse in our room before 9pm when the locals began their celebration. we felt good, but also felt like losers since we passed out way before the real party began.

3-coming home from iraq for leave in 2008.
andrea, scott, my parents, and my in-laws took a weekend of my r&r to go to bend/sunriver and hang. after a year in the sand-box it was great to spend Easter with family and hit the reset button on life. we spent Easter in a church that met at a local high school.

this Easter was great as well. it's still far too soon to know if it will make a larger top 5 list one day, but great nonetheless. church was fantastic, especially since my dad came with us. and the night was topped off with a much needed guy-time with mr. banks as we shared a bottle of wine and a long awaited cigar. i even tried to not slobber too much on the cigar. thanks banks for a great night.

happy Easter ya'll!

for kix

saw this and had to post it. enjoy.

Apr 9, 2009

math doesn't add up

i know this has been complained about many times over... but here i go.

is it really that hard to get the sausage and hot dog folks together at a negotiation table with the buns people?

why do i have to buy hot dogs in packs of 10 or 6 (if sausages) while the buns come in packs of 8?

it's frustrating and my money is on the conspiracy theory that they have gotten together and hatched a plan to market these items deliberately this way so we the consumer would have to buy more than one or two packs in order for things to "even" out.

bottom line... they owe us an apology for frustrating me enough to write this blog and subjecting you "all" to reading it.

Mar 29, 2009

love isn't all you need

i’m about to turn one of those corners in life where it’s time to reflect on all of my blessings. the last 2-3 years have not only seen major changes in kevin’s life, but potential roadblocks and trials. overall, i’d have to say i’ve not only weathered some rocky storms and times of solitude and great chances of depression, but i feel i’ve really come out ahead.

from deploying to iraq to buying a home to uncertain employment times, i can say three things have kept my head above the current of this crazy place we call earth.

faith, love & hope

while all work together, they also represent different points in my life…

faith: 3 years ago, i found something i’d always been looking for but had never realized it. i found the most important piece to this puzzle we call life. i found God, or perhaps simply just opened my eyes. of course i can’t take the credit. without His guidance and the help of my family and friends, specifically my dad, paul and andrea, i’d probably be just writing about how lost i feel in this confusing world. i was later baptized by another great friend, colby as a testimony to everyone who knows me and to God. i continue to learn more and hopefully grow more. this is definitely a chapter still being written and at times being picked through like a newspaper story on the cutting room floor.

love: 2 years ago, i married the love of my life and best friend. not a day goes by that i don’t thank God for his awesome power in bringing andrea into my life and for giving her the patience to deal with an overgrown nerd such as myself. i believe i have the best friends in the world and the most loving family, but i never could have imagined finding someone i enjoy spending so much time with, who allows me to learn more about what love is and how bottomless it can truly be.

hope: four months ago, my hopes and what i see as a major piece to my purpose came true. andrea and i found out our lives were going to change forever. in the first weeks of november, we were surprised to find we were pregnant. this is not to say we weren’t hoping for a child, we just didn’t expect to get the good news so soon. andrea pushed through trimester number one like a champ and is now plugging along through trimester number two approaching each shortness of breath or back pain with courage and a positive attitude i admire every day. our first baby, a baby girl is scheduled to arrive in july, a month that can’t come soon enough for both pregnant mom and jittery dad.

faith, love & hope

Feb 1, 2009


imagine a story that takes place during the iron age in ancient norway. a flash of light streaks across the sky. it's the burning wreckage of a spacecraft crashing through the atmosphere and into the sea just off the coast. one man emerges alive. his name is kainan and while he looks just like a human, he is from a distant planet. his people have just terraformed a planet to settle and were in the process of exterminating a species of large killer beasts with knashing teeth and razor sharp claws known as moorwens. just when they'd thought they were done killing the moorwens the beasts strike back killing most of kainan's people. he was actually on his escape when he crashed on earth. little does he know that a moorwen stowed away on the ship and also survived the impact. as he struggles to survive and inevitably begins to hunt down the moorwen he runs into a local viking tribe. joining with the forces of the primitive but fierce warriors, kainan uses his new allies to continue to hunt the moorwen, which they refer to as a dragon.

if this sounds like a ridiculous plot for a story... we agree. the above is a partial breakdown of a movie that apparently just came out called outlander. i doubt it's playing in a theater near you, and that's probably a good thing. while it stars jim caviezel, an actor i think very highly of, it looks really dumb. i almost wonder if they're just trying to outdo that fabulously terrible movie pathfinder (both are named after cars i think) or just have a modern classic like america 3000. either way, it will probably prove to be another great move to torture people with.

here's the trailer

Jan 24, 2009

long flight to a cold landing

for those who don't know... i'm in school for my next rank advancement in the army. the school is at ft. meade, maryland, the same school i attended 9 years ago for my basic broadcasting training. not much has changed, but 9 years is a long time to forget what a place is like. and with class not starting until monday... i have a couple days to settle in and remember this place. i do recall that the school is great, but getting here yesterday was not so great.
here's the breakdown:

0600 flight out of pdx headed to salt lake city. the early flight time meant getting to the airport around 0430, which meant not really sleeping that night.

0900 i get to salt lake city only to find out my flight to baltimore was cancelled. i'll let that set in because it took me off guard and i was checking every screen possible to make sure i wasn't seeing things or the screen wasn't just wrong. nope... officially cancelled. not a big deal when you're in your home-state airport, but when you're only one leg through your trip it kinda sucks.

1000 they re-route us onto a flight to dulles without saying why or anything. i figured at least i'd be on the east coast to closer to my destination, whatever.

0500 pm we finally land at dulles - one hour after i was supposed to land in baltimore. it was when we landed that we were told our luggage was flown to reagan national airport. nice delta airlines, real nice. our consolation prize was two taxi vouchers to drive us from dulles to reagan then to baltimore.

View Larger Map

dulles to reagan to get baggage - 1 hour
reagan to military base - 1 more hour
taxi fair - $200 (on delta airlines dime)
arriving at my school - priceless

that was just getting here. once on post i had to report in. easy enough... except when all the numbers and building numbers are wrong. i walked about 6 miles in circles in the freezing cold on the post trying to find where to check in. two hours later and 36 hours without sleep i finally reached someone who could help me out. i can only hope the school works out better.

Jan 8, 2009

love resides in the kidney

i saw this story and had to share.
apparently some guy in long island, ny is demanding his wife (whom he is divorcing) give back the kidney he donated to her or pay him for it - $1.5 million to be exact.
there are messy divorces... and then there are surgically gross and greedy divorces.
i've always been curious why people think love comes from the heart when it's just an organ that pumps blood through your body. so maybe love comes from the kidney?
i don't know about that... but i do know kidney beans are good for your heart. so perhaps this dr. batista guy is onto something. i'm selling my kidney. seriously, who needs a kidney anyway compared to $1.5 million in cold hard cash? what's the worst thing that could happen? i'll just use the money to buy gatorade stock and regulate my electrolytes that way. problem solved.

Jan 4, 2009

click click boom

saturday was quite the treat... as i was able to shoot testosterone straight into my vein by shooting several pretty sweet weapons. one of my friends/soldiers that i deployed with, invited me out to blast away with some of his many guns. from pistols to assault rifles, it was just what the doctor ordered after getting through the holidays.

one of the first weapons i fired was his ar "pistol." in his words the weapon is a:
"...rock river lower receiver with an olympic arms 10.5 inch upper on it, and an eo-tech cco."
it's very similar to the m4 i had when in iraq. we didn't have the eo-tech cco and so that was quite the treat to play around with after clocking so many hours on ghost recon using the sight "virtually." nonetheless, inanimate targets shook in their clay pigeon boots as i walked up to fire.

next up was something i've been dying to shoot for quite some time.

the infamous ak47. i saw tons of these in iraq and every male from the age of 14 up is legally allowed to carry one. it's supposed to be one of the more reliable weapons ever made - (you can drop it in a lake and come back days later to shoot it reliable) and it feels a bit more like a real gun than the m4... probably due to the wood stock and weight difference and the caliber. it was fun to shoot even if it was legal so there wasn't an auto on the fire select.

then we moved on to ridiculous weapons.

this was a rifle supplied by the other guy who came along. not sure what it was... but it seemed a bit overkill for what we were doing so of course i had to try it out. the scope made our 50-75 meter targets look absolutely huge and it was zeroed so you had to aim 2 inches high and 2 inches to the right of whatever you were shooting at. i think i missed everything i pointed it at.

the creme de la creme though had to be the m1a socom rifle.
there aren't any pictures of me shooting one... but here's a web image of what they look like.
by far one of the best rifles i've ever fired. it's meaty and pretty darn accurate. again in the words of the expert who took me out there and owns this beautiful piece of death:
"...used by the military during late korea and early vietnam as the m-14. It has been in rotation since then in about every special forces type outfit, including currently by a lot of snipery guys on straight infantry units in iraq and afghanistan. it fires the .308 or 7.62x51 nato round."
if they weren't so darn expensive and if we weren't trying to save our money... i'd probably try to go out and get one. oh well there's always Christmas 2020 to look forward to. for a look at all the types of m1as made today click here.
now for an "awesome" video of some really "cool" guy firing an m1a.

Jan 2, 2009

i am

most people see the new year as a time to look not only forward into the next year... but a chance to reflect on who they were, are and want to be. many resolutions revolve around a desire to improve and become a better person. self-improvement is great, but why wait for a specific day to start. that's why i hate new year resolutions.

that aside, i still find myself looking at who i am and where i'm going. a year ago i was sitting in iraq wishing i was home. now that i've been home for more than 6 months i still think about my deployment all the time. many veterans returning home from combat go through what's called readjustment. it's the time you try to stop thinking and acting like a soldier and instead assimilate yourself back into society. the government hopes it will be a simple transition with low rates of ptsd. but i don't think that is ever the case. even if you haven't seen combat, the transition from a 24/7 fast paced, life and death job to anything back here is tough (to put it lightly).

i'd say the 6 month marker is actually one of the harder ones. it's when reality sets in and the feeling that you're just on an extended leave and could be called back at any moment finally starts to wear off. many of us feel bored and annoyed by the general populace.

for me... i find i have little patience for complaining about things i find unneccessary. after living in a tiny cubicle where the water was unsafe to drink (unless bottled), power went out daily, walking was the main mode of travel and meals were only served at specific times i have a different perspective on needs and wants. convenience versus necessity.

i also have a very hard time with how much we as americans have mostly done away with the idea of respect. i never noticed it until i'd immersed myself so much into the military structure, which is built so much upon respect. we don't respect our elders, our spouses or even a stranger on the street.

mostly though... the hardest part is facing your friends and family who expect you to be who you were. and in all honesty... you battle with that every day. wanting to be who you were but not being able to even remember what that was like. what was life like before i left. i'd just gotten married and for the first time was living with someone other than my parents or a random friend in college. i was already in a state of readjustment so does that mean i'm actually now in the re-readjustment period. that's going to take some adjusting for me to get my mind wrapped around that.

i guess i've come to the conclusion that we should never try to be who we were. the past always has a rosy color given enough time for retrospect. i believe we are who we are. there is no old me... only me in the now and the me that will be. that's not to say we shouldn't learn from our past... we just shouldn't dwell on it.

my deployment wasn't just a year lost or a waste of time... it's part of who i am. now i just have to stare ahead and move forward looking for ways to improve, not regret or try to recapture some idea of who i was.