Dec 16, 2008

Christmas stache

for a Christmas party i decided to grow out my nasty mustache. i started about a week and a half ago, quickly realized i could grow it in 3 days but have powered through and am still going strong. just 4 days left of this puppy!

in this experiment i've found that mustache people are a minority and are treated with inequality on a daily basis. here's what i've experienced so far

-going into tualatin high school with the prize winning molestache... do i get an award, no. i get a brief chase down by the security lady.

-those constant checkouts by women *and* men at my devilishly good looks are replaced with obnoxious staring, finger pointing and some screams (no longer of joy).

-children are ushered away and their parents take up defensive posturing.

-sweaters no longer look cool, they now look creepy.

-year two of marriage falls drastically behind in meeting the kiss quota.

the only pluses... when it snows, my upper lip is just a fraction of a degree warmer than it would normally be. and i can brush my bottom teeth whenever i feel like it.


Dan said...

Aaaand, you get to save a little from lunch to snack on later in the day!

Andrea said...

Lets just say, who wants to kiss a toothbrush?

Reed said...

Awesome. Creepy, yes, but awesome.

I suppose kissing me would be like kissing a broom.

Dan said...

I can actually attest to that. Kissing Reed IS like kissing a broom.

Patrick Lair said...

I thought you did away with this look after Iraq...I can see an intervention in the near future.

Jessica Ramey said...

oh, you look like a French grinch. Just in time for the holidays I guess. :)

umarth said...

I think kisses aren't that important. Other things shouldn't be impacted by the mustache.