Sep 22, 2008

puppy fun

for those who don't know... andrea and i have a puppy named stella. we got her in june after our 6 year old cat max died. she's a yorkie and a lot of fun for a little dog. there are some interesting stories but it's a new blog so new stories are in order.

(for the cat adventure at dan and paul's, refer to paul's blog for the story)

this blog is instead about our recent adventure to the portland animal hospital.

andrea and i went to see jeremy and kristy for dinner last friday. since stella was spayed just last tuesday we thought it would be best to bring her along so we could keep an eye on her instead of leaving her at home. we took her in her little carrier and the vet gave us an elizabethan collar so she wouldn't be able to get at her stitches as spaying is very invasive (removal of both ovaries and the uterus). while we were eating we kept her in her carrier. she started to wimper more and more and just as andrea was getting ready to open her carrier stella started yelping bloody murder. next thing i know, andrea is handing me our puppy with her insides on the outside. luckily kristy knew where the local animal hospital was and rushed us into her car to get there. i sat in the front still holding stella while kristy drove and andrea sat in the back praying. at first i was okay. she wasn't bleeding and she calmed down... or went into shock... so she wasn't kicking too much. but after staring at the mess in my hands for who knows how long (probably 10 minutes but it felt longer) i started to not feel so good. i started seeing stars and my hearing got muffled. by the time we reached the hospital i knew if i tried standing up i'd just fall over... so once we were there i handed off the pup to andrea to rush in. after a second i thought i was good but i only made it in one set of doors before i had to take a knee and kristy had to help me in the rest of the way. by the time i got to a chair my vision was black and i could barely hear. i don't know how long this went on but it didn't seem long... and then it all just cleared up and i was fine. i found andrea and we sat and waited to hear from the doctor.

stella's okay now... the doctor said one of the sutures failed and that's why she popped open. they figured it was a failure on the equipment and didn't charge us what most likely would have been $2,000.

God blessed us in so many ways that night and since. kristy and jeremy were awesome and i can't imagine what it would have been like to try and figure out where to take stella if they hadn't already known.

now stella just has a longer scar and an even longer story to go along with it.


Sarah White said...

Yeesh! I didn't know about this. Glad you were able to get her in fast. Did you wash your hands?

jeremy said...

Kristy and I are just glad everything turned out ok. An inside-out dog is not something anyone should have to see. Easily made my top 10 most disturbing list. Now if your insides are on the outside is it still what's inside that counts?

Jessica Ramey said...

Oh poor Stella. I'm so glad you had her that night so you were able to catch it.

I'll have to tell you the story how I fainted when I was holding Bella when she was getting blood drawn. It sucks being the adult who freaks out. So embarrassing!

How did Andrea hold up?