Apr 26, 2010

love and marriage

i've seen different friends, coworkers and relatives go through some frustrating times regarding marriage. i'm by no means suggesting i haven't had my own share of frustration... dating and breaking up... but that was before i realized i loved andrea and was going to marry her. i just knew, and everything else went away.

i've seen a wide range of reasons relationships don't go to the altar due to cold feet or just it not being the right person. and i've seen some marriages end because they may went to the altar too hastily.

i'd dive in... but a good friend sent this article to me and it is as though i wrote it myself. it is exactly how i feel and approach this marriage concept.

check it out.

when it comes to love and marriage... frank sinatra put it best... "you can't have one without the other."

Apr 8, 2010


i should've died but i didn't

more from my weird mind on a sick day...

here's a quick list of times i should've died, but lived instead to blog about them.

1-log ride of death at elitch gardens, co. there is an amusement park in colorado called the elitch gardens. on one particular visit long ago, i was not so amused with this park. it was an innocent ride on a log through caverns and a fake mining atmosphere, that ended with a severe drop into water and that almost ended my life. i'm not sure if i was too small for the ride, or if the bar that is supposed to secure you inside the log failed... i just know that i fell out and rode down the drop on the front end with my grandma holding onto my belt loop.

2-foam fatality. scott and i once decided to explore a cave at the coast near seaside, or. once we were inside, the ocean decided we didn't need to come back out for a while. instead we found ourselves almost drowning in that nasty foam that washes up from time to time. i've had a fear of drowning ever since. (doesn't everyone have a fear of drowning though? it's like saying you have a fear of being shot)

3-tidal terror. next up... another reason i don't really like swimming in big bodies of water. when i was 12, i went to hawaii with some family friends and a school trip. during this trip we went swimming quite a bit - it's an island... it's what you do. so on one particular day we were swimming in one of the many man-made pools found on several beaches(click on the link and you can see the peaceful and the scary sides of the "pools"). these pools have openings where the rocks are below the surface of the water to allow the ocean water to circulate. we decided to "surf" the rocks by standing on them and trying to withstand the waves crashing through. what we didn't anticipate, were the waves exiting the pool. i had the great opportunity of getting blind-sided by one, which pushed me out onto the scary side where i was immediately hit by another wave that sent me flying over the rocks jutting out of the water and back into the peaceful side. it happened very fast, but i distinctly remember seeing fish flying over the rock with me and noticing how close i was to the rocks that were 2-3 feet out of the water.

4-welcome rocket. i've told this story so many times that i'll try to do so in only 2 more sentences. the first week i was in iraq a rocket impacted in the parking lot i was walking next to, blowing out the windows of every vehicle in the lot and pelting me with dirt and rocks. freaky...

i could have added jeremy's bachelor party and how i almost hit the rocks jumping off into the white salmon river or when andrea and i followed some random asian dude into a basement in new york with promises of cheap fake coach bags... but this seemed like just enough near-death for the time being.

sick... so i blog

it's been awhile and i'm sure my only fan left is someone in china who continues to flower me with awesome words (links to porn).

i am sick. first time in several months. i figured with a new baby, i'd get sick all the time... but i guess since she's not in school or daycare, she's not bringing home any illnesses - yet.

i've been drinking so much fluid to clear this stupid cold, that i barely slept last night because i was up so many times peeing. andrea told me i grumbled ever time about having to get up to pee. i guess that's kind of funny and true of me. i hate that i have to take time-outs from life to use the bathroom. in fact last night i waited an extra hour... finding other stuff to do... because i didn't want to interrupt my time with the bathroom. silly i know... but that's what blogs are for right? i'll probably miss these days when i'm old and sitting in my own filth waiting for someone to change out my adult diaper.

this blog just turned into a streaming web dialogue (hehe).

more blogs to come as i've had some thoughts i've been meaning to post, other than peeing.

Jan 15, 2010

happy new chinese weird text year!

my last posting was in november (sorry for the laziness on my part) and just today someone posted a comment. unfortunately it was in symbol form, which i assumed was chinese. after pasting it into google's translator i determined it was probably porn based on the "babes, babes, babes adult video zone in the text over and over again.

so i was right and now have finally been spammed on my blog by chinese pornographers! i need to celebrate!

additionally, i need to stop slacking off and write something useful in here. wait, i don't think i've ever written something useful in here. hmmmm

Nov 17, 2009


so i'm downloading video/audio compression and conversion softwares at work to deal with the many random file formats i work with everyday and this is in one of the software's terms and conditions clause.

"5. You may not use this software in any circumstance where there is any risk that failure of this software might result in a physical injury or loss of life..."

Nov 12, 2009


i was told today that i look like the lead sing from the band maroon 5 - adam levine.

i'm not sure about that but i thought i'd use this web gizmo to show a comparison of me and mr. levine as well as a couple other random celebrities i've been told i look like.

first a photo that best captures "me"

then adam levine

john cusack

rowan atkinson (better known as mr. bean)